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Please join us as we unite together from various locations across the world to Consecrate ourselves to the Divine Will.  Please refer to the information posted on this page and join in whenever you have the time on May 31, 2024.
 Begins in England...
 Pre-DW Consecration Prayer, England

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


I am excited to inform you about the public Consecration to the Divine Will through Mary and the prayerful mini-retreat of Sealing and Glazing of our past with the Divine Will on Friday 31 May, the feast of the Visitation. It will be in-person at Ealing Abbey Hall (not the Bulbeck room) and online. The Consecration and the Prayerful event will be in the presence of the exposed Blessed Sacrament and led by Fr Humphrey O'Connor, Fr Pat O'Donough and hopefully other priests journeying in the Divine Will. It will be a powerful healing experience of our past surrendering, abandoning, repenting, taking and owning the Divine version of our lives, that Christ gained for us. With Mary, we will seal and glaze our broken human body, mind, soul and spirit with our redone, perfected and divinised humanity by Christ.

Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, a specific pre-consecration prayer was composed to help us understand and prepare for this powerful event. It is attached and can be printed on one A4 page to help us meditate and listen to the Holy Spirit as he reveals areas in our life that need focus and may need to be brought to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.


Sam Khadhouri, OCDS


Below is the link to the above DW Consecration that will end at 9:30 AM EST in union with the USA Marian Consecration Event listed below which will begin at 10:00 AM, EST.




Sam Khadhouri, OCDS
Then it's over to Mexico and the United States for a Presentation by Alejandra Acuna, (10:00 AM EST) and the final Marian Consecration Prayer by Father Dave Leon...
Marian DW Consecration Prayer, United States

Little Children of the Divine Fiat



Meeting ID: 867 1615 4538
Passcode: 927072

Fr. Dave Leon
Alejandra Acuña

Copyrighted videos, photos and/or works of art are used on this site for educational non-profit purposes only which conform to our historical outlook on contemplating real historical figures and events.

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